hye guys..
this is my 1st entry for this blog..
1st of all, let me introduce masef to all of u..
but i'm very sure that u guys have known me betha coz if not, i'll not invite u guys for being here.. ;))
oklah, lets read a lil bit bout me ya..
my full name is SITI NURSYAIRAH BT ABDUL KADIR.. but people just call me SASHA.. sumtimes they kol me CHA or CACA.. but my famly kol me ASHA... xkesahla nk pggl ape2 pown janji u suke n i suke.. auww~ i'm still studying at UiTM KB n i'm taking finance (BBA)... i born on 12th november 1987 at sungai petani, kedah.. n today, i'm 22 years old.. i'm 100% dbesarkan d klantan n thats make me feel that i'm part of klntanese people.. i luv n proud to be klntanese oke! i'm still SINGLE but not available coz there are sum1 that have took my heart.. ;) and i announce that i'm in relationship with AMAD FAIZ B YAACOB.. ♥ he's part of my life.. ;)) i have 2 siblings.. my brother and i.. i have a big happy family.. and i ♥ them so mush!! abahibu is my idols!
the reasons y i make this this blog :
- coz i tink that i have many story to tell u guys.. maybe it can be pedoman besame.. insyallah.. ;))
- want to share my life story to all my dear frens.. ;))
- coz nk sum privacy between me n close frens.. kalow kt fb, ms or fs, sumenye open..
ekceli da lame da terfikir nk wut blog.. tp asyek terdelay jea.. hihi.. kononnye ary tue nk wut publish blog on my bufdey tp terdelay lak.. kihkih.. ;p
apepon, hope my blog will give some input to u guys.. anything wrong, juz correct me ya.. thats fren are for.. ;))
oklah, i'll stop here for today.. we meet up on the next story ya.. till then...sayonara~~ xOxO..
sasha.. ♥

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