today bil sy kena block! haha.. lupe nkg bayar la.. adoiyay.. bgn2 pg nk kol si dia tp xpt coz kena block.. huwaaa~ hmm..smlm cik abam shaye dtg ke sarirasa besame aju.. then pastu cik pija besame abe min dio dtg .. tenks for coming guys.. ;)) to enchik boii, imusm!! ;)) to cik pija, wop cumeyl las smaley, spo anok cino.. ;))
btw, today's story is about JERAWAT.. oh..knape la lately jerawat byk la sgt naek on my face.. adus.. tp kan, maybe coz cha slalu tukar2 gune product memacam.. cha ny sukeeee la sgt gune product tuh, then tuka.. then adela that day 'glenya' tuka this product.. kemain lagi bly cleansing die n nyte cream.. cha bly that product coz ramai kate elok.. tp tup2 naek jrawat.. xpenah lg nek manyak2 camny tao.. uhh..geram! tanak kawan ngn that product! ;( tp cha gune toner die oke jea.. cha use their toner since 2 taun lepas lg.. tade pape lak.. tp wen try nyte cream die n cleansing, jd nek jrawat.. ibu sowh cha stop dulu nyte cream coz slalunye nyte cream yg xsesuai ngan muka sum1.. so, skunk ny da stop nyte cream.. but jrwt tetap tanak ilang.. cedey~~ ;( tp nk wut camne, redha jea la.. hopefully la jrwat2 degil ny ilang b4 raye.. nk rayeeeeeeeee omey2!!! pelissshhh maen jaoh2 ye cik jrawat.. ;))
kla dear, we cont later ya.. coz cha nkg mashak ntowk cik adaa.. cik adaa mao lunch ngan cha kt cny today! hooyeh2! heee~
till thennnnnnnn...................daaaaaadaaaaa~
:: muke shaye yg de jrawt.. ;( yg atas dahi nmpak clear amat! yg len2 suda sy cover ngan mekup yg tebal.. huhuhu.. btw, this pic cha curik fendi punye.. he's the photog for alom's wedding.. ;))

hehe~ hi shasha! sjo nk tinggal jejak..haha~ nyway,xpo jerawat sha tetap lawa,naturally..plg penting si dia tetap sayang! ;P fendi tu letak gmbar c'sulia lg la burokkkk..ado satu gmbar tu..muka mcm tgh confius nk nangih ko,nk suko..haahhaa~ ;P bencik i..hahaa~
ReplyDeletetawu tatpo..
naseb bek si dio tetap menyayangi ku..
c'sulia nih muko nk nangis ko, suko ko...
semo chumeyl las....
jeles amat oke..
cin0 mumm!
ReplyDeleted0h la b0i 0yap sup0 ulat buku.
comeyl okeh! i loike!!