takot weyyy..
today list advisor da kua..
n my supervisor is my ketua program..
ade yg ckp die okay..
ade yg ckp die xokay..
gabra beb..
then yg wut lagi tensen, when me dpt taw prof safri sndiri yg request me bia duk bwh die..
huwaaaa... apekehall? sebanyak2 stud, y he chhooose me? nalim2..
coz ekceli my advisor is madam azlina.. n oll of my gang duk under madam azlina..
at 1st kocik aty den when dpt taw, me je yg xsame with all my fwens..
tp bile madam azlina sendiri yg ckp prof safri yg request me duk under die, twos xkecik aty malah jadi maken besar.. haha... coz takot laaaa~
next week me blk kb n me hengat nk jumpe die on the 2nd jan tuh..
hopefully he's okay la..
p/s : topic pown tarak lagi nih.. huwaaa~

takot weyyy..
today list advisor da kua..
n my supervisor is my ketua program..
ade yg ckp die okay..
ade yg ckp die xokay..
gabra beb..
then yg wut lagi tensen, when me dpt taw prof safri sndiri yg request me bia duk bwh die..
huwaaaa... apekehall? sebanyak2 stud, y he chhooose me? nalim2..
coz ekceli my advisor is madam azlina.. n oll of my gang duk under madam azlina..
at 1st kocik aty den when dpt taw, me je yg xsame with all my fwens..
tp bile madam azlina sendiri yg ckp prof safri yg request me duk under die, twos xkecik aty malah jadi maken besar.. haha... coz takot laaaa~
next week me blk kb n me hengat nk jumpe die on the 2nd jan tuh..
hopefully he's okay la..
p/s : topic pown tarak lagi nih.. huwaaa~

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