everybody here was very committed with their works..
n even i dun understand y there are certain people who are very addicted to their work till they dun av so mush tyme for them.. opps i think, NO tyme at all..
till they get sick n cannot work for the long tyme.. omaigosh..
Recently, my deputy director get stroke n he cant work for at least 6 months to get to the normal.. its takes tyme to recover back.. n we here are very feel it coz there are certain things that will change later. i just pity to his family.
yes im not know him more closer coz im still new ere (1months).. n when he come back to work after 6months, i oredy finish my intern here.. but waht i know is, he's mmg hardcore punye worker la.. tabik springgggggg~~~ ade ke patot tyme dinner ary tuh, die boley lagi wut keje..
even our director pon ta wut keje.. bt not to him..
he just stop his work tyme nk mkn jea.. then cont blk after da setel mkn..
hadoiyyy~ kalow nk ckp die desperate nk kumpul duit, mmg tipppooo la..
coz he is our DEPUTY DIRECTOR.. duit melambak-lambak..
maybe laen org, laen caranye kan?
well, what is the most importnt now is to c he recover back..
n when dgr director crite bawu mcm insap sket.. rase macam work is not a play2 time..
we can play-play, but we oso need to b serious.. omaiogosh..
rase mcm tanak keje lak.. huhu.. tp takkan nk jadik student sampai ke tua bangka?
hahaha.. okayla babe, cont later.. got works to do..
p/s : yg pakai topi aladin biru itulah our Deputy Director.. get well soon raymond!
n even i dun understand y there are certain people who are very addicted to their work till they dun av so mush tyme for them.. opps i think, NO tyme at all..
till they get sick n cannot work for the long tyme.. omaigosh..
Recently, my deputy director get stroke n he cant work for at least 6 months to get to the normal.. its takes tyme to recover back.. n we here are very feel it coz there are certain things that will change later. i just pity to his family.
yes im not know him more closer coz im still new ere (1months).. n when he come back to work after 6months, i oredy finish my intern here.. but waht i know is, he's mmg hardcore punye worker la.. tabik springgggggg~~~ ade ke patot tyme dinner ary tuh, die boley lagi wut keje..
even our director pon ta wut keje.. bt not to him..
he just stop his work tyme nk mkn jea.. then cont blk after da setel mkn..
hadoiyyy~ kalow nk ckp die desperate nk kumpul duit, mmg tipppooo la..
coz he is our DEPUTY DIRECTOR.. duit melambak-lambak..
maybe laen org, laen caranye kan?
well, what is the most importnt now is to c he recover back..
n when dgr director crite bawu mcm insap sket.. rase macam work is not a play2 time..
we can play-play, but we oso need to b serious.. omaiogosh..
rase mcm tanak keje lak.. huhu.. tp takkan nk jadik student sampai ke tua bangka?
hahaha.. okayla babe, cont later.. got works to do..
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