oh sure pelik bout the topic kn?
saje je today na cite bout public transport..
oh well da 1 month im ere..
n da 1 month jugakla ive been an independent girl..
girl? ahaha.. yup ofcoz la.. im not a girl not yet a woman.. ;p
so da kire sebulan gakla me terjebak with public transport nih..
coz im using ktm to go n back from ous to home..
well, what can i say is, it is not good for health..
health? haha.. ye la..
coz bile kite duk lam ktm, otomatik kite jadik tension..
so memang ta elok la for our health.. tol x? hihi..
mane taknye, everybody asyek pentingkan diri sendiri jea when naek tren..
ape ko hengat tren tuh bapak ko punye ke?
geram betol bile ade owg yg being cruel to each other by aksi tolak menolak yg melampao..
n what make me shocked is, that things happen in ladies coacha.. ye its ladies coach!
apesal la ladies2 semua jadi camny..
kesian kt ladies sejati cam haku nih..
asyek kena tindas jea dek big ladies..

supposely u guys bertimbang rase la sket..
jgn asyek tolak-tolak..
ini tidak, ko maen tolak je smpai org kt depan tuh lumat cam tin sardin..
ape yg ko nak, ko nak naek tren tuh n smpai ke destinasi yg dituju..
pernah one tyme tuh, there are mak budak with her child naek tren..
then kena tolak smpai anak yg die dukung tuh nak jatuh..
inikah budaya yg kite amalkan selama ny?
then ade 1 lg yg shaye memang ta puas hati when org yg ta sepatotnye duduk kt tmpat yg ta sepatotnya!! grrr~
na tau nape? coz that was my place okay!!
tadela krusi tuh tulis my name tp when ure standing near at the one passenger, then she twun kt next pitstop, so otomatikla u can sit at the place aite?
but that things was not happen for me okayh! huh.. geram!
coz when i give laluan to that passenger to bgn n kua, mmg adela lalat hijau yg akan duduk kt situ tanpe segan silu n rase besalahnye pd diriku ini.. euww~
kalow hengkau tuh preggy or oku or warga emas, tadela shaye nak bising..
tp awak sehat bugar malah lebih sehat n besar dr sy..
cubelah mengalah ngan budak kecik mcm shaye nih.. kang saye report kat ibu sy, baru awak taw langit tu tinggi or rendah!
sy tawla awk penat, tp sy pown penat jugak.. bkn awk sorg je yg keje..
so timbang rase la.. coz sy lebey layak..
kalow cha ta dpt, cha ta kesah lg.. tp kalow org yg sehat walafiat duk kt tempat yg memang da dikhaskan ntowk preggy women, ibu yg de anak kecil, warga emas and oku tuh yg wut cha bengang.. apela ko ta paham sgt? da name theyoll tuh kurang upaya n tenaga dr kite..
so apelah salahnye kalow kite berkorban sket ntowk deyol.. kalow nnt later, u guys lak preggy, bwu u oll taw ape rase when org laen ta bg u sit at the place.. mahu terberanak twos coz others duk menolak je taw.. so ubah-ubahla perangai tuh sayang-sayang semua.. jgn duk pikir diri sendiri je..
tp kan, onestly la cha nak gtaw, cha owez dpt bajet yg mane akan turun to the next pitstop..
hahaha~ magic kan? mcm pg td, me dpt sit coz me standup kt tepi sowg gurl nih.. die twun subang jaya.. me lak naek d batu 3.. so 1 pitstop jea me kena diri.. ;))
tp tula, bile sit diambil org len, geram pown ade.. tp tapela.. maybe ade hikmah dsebaliknya.. ;)) lgpown its not mine.. its ours.. its public transport.. ;)
sharing is caring la katekan.. hihi~
tp kan, me rase baek lg naek mix coach coz basically mens will not push us..
they respect us.. n they ol biarkan kite naek dulu..
bt for me, me still takot nak naek coach yg bercampur tuh...
coz i feel more comfortable to be in ladies coach although da jadik mcm ikan sardin kt dlm tuh..
tata u olls~
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