today me nak cite pasal muvee..
last 2 weeks, me da tgk cite rapunzel, ngankung n narnia..
okay now we move to the 1st muvee..
today me nak cite pasal muvee..
last 2 weeks, me da tgk cite rapunzel, ngankung n narnia..
okay now we move to the 1st muvee..

On the 28th Nov, sunday, me & cikzi's famly was heading to ou.. we oredy planned to watch rapunzel.. only me, nayli, nurina n naisya watched this lovely muvee.. while cikzi n ayah ngah went to shopim.. our muvee start at 5.10pm and we went for the makan2 1st.. then after mkn, we go pusim2 dulu then straight to tgv.. we've buy set of rapunzel popcorn with cute drink bottle.. our sits at l7, l8, l9, n l10.. we're at the middle.. my feveret spot.. ;D
Walt Disney Pictures presents in 2010 "Tangled," one of the most hilarious, hair-raising computer animated feature film tales ever told. When the kingdom's most wanted and most charming bandit Flynn Rider (voice of Zachary Levi) hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel (voice of Mandy Moore), a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs. "Tangled" is a story of adventure, heart, humor and hair lots of hair.
The Captain of the Guard's horse, MAXIMUS, has made it his personal mission to capture the wanted criminal, Flynn Rider. Fearless in his pursuit, the horse defies danger to follow Flynn where other guards refuse to go – it seems nothing will stop this "tough-guy cop" from getting his man. Once Maximus meets Rapunzel his heart softens, and he begins to see the world differently. What started as a relentless pursuit may just be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Rapunzel, voiced by Mandy Moore is so cute and lovely in this muvee!! The whole movie is simply so cute and i love it mush.. feel like im still a kid..
It will melt anyone’s heart. Simply lovely..
For all of you who still didnt watch it yet, just watch it, you won’t regret. even me myself feel like want to watch again for the 2nd tyme.. oh ilove it mush..
*rating from 1-10, i give 9..
okay now we move to the second muvee..

this muvee me gy tgk kt midv with muh luv n his frens.. (awe & ajiq).. xplan pown snarnye nk tgk this muvee.. ekceli nk tgk narnia tp da full house.. so either 'ngankung' or 'haunted changgi'.. pilih punye pilih, boi choose ngangkung coz haunted changgi da start tyme tuh.. nak pulak ajiq ta smpai lg.. me n boi sbnarnye ta brape layan sgt kalow tgk crite mlayu d panggung.. coz mcm xworthless tgk crite berbanding hollywood punye yg full of effects.. tp ntah mcmane we ol tertarik gak ngan ngankung.. mane xnye, ramai gile my frens n his frens yg told us this crite is best n lawak gile..
tp bile da tgk sendiri, citenye okayla.. tp tadela sehebat seperti yg digembar gemburkan org laen.. besh lg rapunzel.. huhu.. tp okayla.. me layan jea.. huhu.. but b4 tgk ngangkung, kami gy pusim2 jap then gy makan.. he make a suprised for me.. but smbg next entry okayh.. coz this only for review muvee.. ;pp
oh btw, this muvee get 5.6 million in just 11 days!! good to hear that coz its a malay's muvee so sape lg nak support filem melayu kalow bukan kite kan? huhu.. Ngangkung ny dibintangi oleh Shaheizy Sam, Angah(Raja Lawak), Eira Syazira, Putri Mardiana, Azad Jazmin dan Farisha Fatin. n kalow xsilap me, name pelakon yg melakonkan watak hantu tuh ialah tasha.. ;))
rating from 1-10, i give 6..
the last muvee that i watch last week is
'The Chronicles of Narnia The Voyage of The Dawn Treader'..
'The Chronicles of Narnia The Voyage of The Dawn Treader'..

oh i love lucy's character..

d sebabkan ta dpt tgk narnia smalam, so today me beli on9.. itu pown kemain susah lg nk purchase it coz traffic jem.. ive booked 7 sits for me, tayam, nayli, nurina, naisya, ajiq n awe.. so menuju la kami semua to bts.. hajat di haty we ol la kan, nk try maxx (the biggest cinema) punye tmpt tp mahal sgt.. rm20 each.. mybe next tyme la kowt..
kami smpai bts pown da lewat, so mmg rushing gile.. thanx to my b yg drive safely walaupown laju sgt.. ;p then bile smpai, twos gy amek tiket n buy the titbits.. we buy narnia set and get narnia's notebook.. nice book ekceli.. pastu berlari la kami semua to te upstairs coz tmpat tgk muvee kt atas.. after setel gy toi n get the 3d spec, weGuys pown masokla.. weRe late for 15-20 minutes like that... hoho.. masok2 jea cite da start.. layann zasss~
oh well this muvee not bad la.. its so funny n besh.. but i thing besh lg narnia yg part 1 n part 2 die.. but i dunno la kn.. maybe yuGuys suke yg ny.. so to all of you yg follow up narnia since dr dulu, u guys should watch it.. coz there are fews new characters.. and i love the dragon! ;pp
lucy character da berkembang since die pown da besar.. since dr part 1 punye narnia, i love her watak..

d sebabkan ta dpt tgk narnia smalam, so today me beli on9.. itu pown kemain susah lg nk purchase it coz traffic jem.. ive booked 7 sits for me, tayam, nayli, nurina, naisya, ajiq n awe.. so menuju la kami semua to bts.. hajat di haty we ol la kan, nk try maxx (the biggest cinema) punye tmpt tp mahal sgt.. rm20 each.. mybe next tyme la kowt..
kami smpai bts pown da lewat, so mmg rushing gile.. thanx to my b yg drive safely walaupown laju sgt.. ;p then bile smpai, twos gy amek tiket n buy the titbits.. we buy narnia set and get narnia's notebook.. nice book ekceli.. pastu berlari la kami semua to te upstairs coz tmpat tgk muvee kt atas.. after setel gy toi n get the 3d spec, weGuys pown masokla.. weRe late for 15-20 minutes like that... hoho.. masok2 jea cite da start.. layann zasss~
oh well this muvee not bad la.. its so funny n besh.. but i thing besh lg narnia yg part 1 n part 2 die.. but i dunno la kn.. maybe yuGuys suke yg ny.. so to all of you yg follow up narnia since dr dulu, u guys should watch it.. coz there are fews new characters.. and i love the dragon! ;pp
lucy character da berkembang since die pown da besar.. since dr part 1 punye narnia, i love her watak..
rating from 1-10, i give 8..
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