good morning guys!
oh.. so penat today..
smalam blk lmbt coz practice dance..
thanx to my ddy coz mae amek kt opis..
serius mmg nak awk amek coz takot blk sowg2 almaklumla da malam..
tp takot susahkn je..
thats y ckp tayah amek..
naseb bek awk paham maksud tesirat shaye..
thanx b..
coz mae amek my walaupown jem gilbab..
then weoll gy masjid india coz me nk beli accesories for arabian nyte tomorow..
apekah jadahnye nk beli arabian punye brg tp gy carik kt masjid india. .
haha.. do i care?
pastu, bile da smpai sane, kemain susah lg me nk carik accesories tu sume coz most of the buyer cannot speak in malay n also in english? habestu takkanla me nk ckp india ngan u all? hadoyay~
naseb bek la ade kedai uncle who can speak in malay.. oh i loike okay...
so tanpe pikir panjang, me sebat twos 3 items ntowk dipakai esok..
pas setel beli barang, me pown ajak tayam gy makan coz today ta sempat lunch..
lunch tadi ngan sandwich tuna je coz practice abes lmbt.. pwot melayu mcm me nih manelah cukup mkn sandwich je.. hoho~ then tayam ckp nk bwk me gy mkn 'sup letup'.. mcm beshje bunyinye kan? tapi serius wa ckp sama luuuuuu, memang besh woooo~ hoho.. tp kedai mkn tuh jauh lg.. die dekat ngan bangi.. so disebabkan baby lam pwot ta tahan lapa sgt, me dgn muke kesian pown mintakla dady stop kedai memane coz nk bly sumthing ntowk alas pwot.. stopla kami d petrol station ntowk beli makanan.. me bly sardin croissant, mylo nuggets n i ribena..
hah amek ko.. alas pwot pown da mcm byk.. tp itu pown ta dpt menampung pwotku yg lapa okaiy.. haha.. ;)))
then we oll menuju ke bangi and gy amek ajiq dulu coz my tayam n ajiq akan tdo kt umah awe d shah alam tonyte.. after amek ajiq, menjulah kami semua ke kedai 'sup letup'.. ddy n ajiq oder sup daging letup, telur dadar n nasi 0.. me lak oder meehun sup letup with lime juice.. wahhhhh~ beshhhhhh~ ade daging, ayam n pwot.. mmg besh ar.. coz rempah2 die mmg rase n 'jelira'.. thumbs up!! ;))
pash mkn, we oll pown betolak la blk.. all the way tuh, me tdo jea kt blkg.. penat gile okaiy.. smpai2 jea, twos da smpai subang.. hoho.. thanx bby.. ;))
rupe2nye cikha's famly is oredy ere from kb..
so ape lg, beborak la kami semua..
coz all my couz ta tdo lagi..
ai taw u oll ryndu me kan?
thats y u oll tggu me smpai kul3 pg..
thanx babe..
tp bile da smpai uma, bawu prasan yg all the accessories that i buy just now is look like indian style n langsung tade arabian style.. hahaha.. senget tol.. lantak la.. pakai je.. mix&match katekan.. hahaha.. ;pp
tdola kami semua lam kul 4 gituh..
ceitt.. kul 6 da bgn..
2 jam je tdo..
now kt opis da...
ta shuke..
kla, me nkg lanai ryte now..
coz kena decorate hall for tonyte event!
oh penatttt~
cont later..
smalam blk lmbt coz practice dance..
thanx to my ddy coz mae amek kt opis..
serius mmg nak awk amek coz takot blk sowg2 almaklumla da malam..
tp takot susahkn je..
thats y ckp tayah amek..
naseb bek awk paham maksud tesirat shaye..
thanx b..
coz mae amek my walaupown jem gilbab..
then weoll gy masjid india coz me nk beli accesories for arabian nyte tomorow..
apekah jadahnye nk beli arabian punye brg tp gy carik kt masjid india. .
haha.. do i care?
pastu, bile da smpai sane, kemain susah lg me nk carik accesories tu sume coz most of the buyer cannot speak in malay n also in english? habestu takkanla me nk ckp india ngan u all? hadoyay~
naseb bek la ade kedai uncle who can speak in malay.. oh i loike okay...
so tanpe pikir panjang, me sebat twos 3 items ntowk dipakai esok..
pas setel beli barang, me pown ajak tayam gy makan coz today ta sempat lunch..
lunch tadi ngan sandwich tuna je coz practice abes lmbt.. pwot melayu mcm me nih manelah cukup mkn sandwich je.. hoho~ then tayam ckp nk bwk me gy mkn 'sup letup'.. mcm beshje bunyinye kan? tapi serius wa ckp sama luuuuuu, memang besh woooo~ hoho.. tp kedai mkn tuh jauh lg.. die dekat ngan bangi.. so disebabkan baby lam pwot ta tahan lapa sgt, me dgn muke kesian pown mintakla dady stop kedai memane coz nk bly sumthing ntowk alas pwot.. stopla kami d petrol station ntowk beli makanan.. me bly sardin croissant, mylo nuggets n i ribena..
hah amek ko.. alas pwot pown da mcm byk.. tp itu pown ta dpt menampung pwotku yg lapa okaiy.. haha.. ;)))
then we oll menuju ke bangi and gy amek ajiq dulu coz my tayam n ajiq akan tdo kt umah awe d shah alam tonyte.. after amek ajiq, menjulah kami semua ke kedai 'sup letup'.. ddy n ajiq oder sup daging letup, telur dadar n nasi 0.. me lak oder meehun sup letup with lime juice.. wahhhhh~ beshhhhhh~ ade daging, ayam n pwot.. mmg besh ar.. coz rempah2 die mmg rase n 'jelira'.. thumbs up!! ;))
pash mkn, we oll pown betolak la blk.. all the way tuh, me tdo jea kt blkg.. penat gile okaiy.. smpai2 jea, twos da smpai subang.. hoho.. thanx bby.. ;))
rupe2nye cikha's famly is oredy ere from kb..
so ape lg, beborak la kami semua..
coz all my couz ta tdo lagi..
ai taw u oll ryndu me kan?
thats y u oll tggu me smpai kul3 pg..
thanx babe..
tp bile da smpai uma, bawu prasan yg all the accessories that i buy just now is look like indian style n langsung tade arabian style.. hahaha.. senget tol.. lantak la.. pakai je.. mix&match katekan.. hahaha.. ;pp
tdola kami semua lam kul 4 gituh..
ceitt.. kul 6 da bgn..
2 jam je tdo..
now kt opis da...
ta shuke..
kla, me nkg lanai ryte now..
coz kena decorate hall for tonyte event!
oh penatttt~
cont later..
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