oh yaa yaa..
just like the title, mmg entry kali nih berbaur jiwang sedikit..
so kalow ta suke, jgn bace.. hoho.. ;pp
yes..he's great man that ive ever met!
the one who i love n the one who i care..
he's the one who'll b with me for the rest of my life..
yes.. he is ahmad faiz.. ;)
kalow dulu, memang weol slalu jea gado taw..
macam hanjing n meow.. tp me meow la.. haha..
n me mmg nak menang je.. walaupown that was my fault..
da jadik lumrah da, me mmg mati2 ckp, me betol n die salah..
walhal da terang2 me memang salah..
but he's okay with that..
he's tetap sabar with me no matter what i do n who i am..
thanx bby..
but now, me da byk brubah.. n he oso realize it..
die juga begitu.. kami same2 brubah ke arah kebaikan besame..
buat bazir ayer liuq hang je duk gadoh tao x?
bile hngat balik zaman dulu kala, tegelak je haku sorg2..
hahaha.. cam sewel pown hade.. childish gile haku!
last weekend, we both just lepak besame..
slalunye ade je friends of mine or him 2geda2 with us..
tp ntah nape this weekend, ramai blk kg..
maybe becoz of public holiday..
kalow me ade cuti, kompem2 me blk gak..
tp kerismas jato on sat n sun, so mmg tade cuty la beb..
so lepakla kami semua d kolupo inih..
jumaat ary tu, enchek amad faiz ckp na dtg hamek..
me da ckp tayah tp die degil gak..
pagi tuh, die da tolong hantarkan coz cikzi gy penang..
soo sweet hokay... tolong anta n tolong hamek..
cian die kena bgn pagi2 anta me.. ;pp
then kena mengharungi jem ntowk gy amek me..
tggu punye tggu, die ta sampai2..
da kul 6 lebey tyme tuh..
then die ckp, kete ta gerak langsung coz jem teramat sgt..
ye la.. keesokan tu kan kerismas, so ramaila yg kua gy lepak that nyte..
so disebabkn ta tahan ryndu kt enchik boiprem plus kesian kt die, me pown ckp kt die yg me akan gy kt die.. so tadela die masok bandar.. eklis die amek kt klsentral je..
then he said ok dlm keadaan tepakse.. ye la.. die nak dtg amek me coz tanak susahkan me n bg me nek tren tp at last kena nek tren gak.. i know what u feel, but no worry okay.. me ta kesah pown dy.. ;)
then bile ngah tggu tren, me kol him again tnye die da smpai klsentral ke?
the he said 'kete ta gerak2 lagi yang.. duk tmpat yg same dr td lg..'
alllaaaaa...shiyannyee die.. then me pown tnye lg, 'gny2, bia my gy kat dy.. ape lagi yg dekat ngan dy selain klsentral?'.. then he said 'midv'.. me said 'hokay! good! so we jumpe at midv la hokay!'.. c u there! ;)
bagi me, ta susah pown coz nek tren je..
cume me kesian kt die jea.
da la jem nak mampos..
alone lak tuh.. ;(
lam tren tuh, haku jumpe si stupido..
tp malas r nak cite pasal die..
habes hilang mood jiwang nnt..
so nnt me cite kt next entry hokayy..
smpai2 je midv, me kol heym to inform me da smpai..
terkejut beruk die coz me smpai lagi cepat dr die..
then die soeh me besabar coz mmg jem gile..
me okay jea.. so masokla me pusim2 dlm midv alone..
pusim punye pusim, ngan stileto nyer, brg byknye, alone lak tuh n org duk tengok2, mmg betol2 menguji tahap kesabaran haku.. euuuuwww~
then twos hamek phone call enchek boiprem n bebel kt die coz ta smpai2 agy..
soe babe.. ;( me ta sengaje nak marah2... tp kepenatan yg teramat plus saket2 badan coz maen futsal smalam buat my mood jd ta tentu hala.. plus ngah period.. ;(
die okay je.. owez cooll.. tp me taw die pown saket tlinge gak asyek dgr me bebel.. a milliooonnn sorry to yoouu babe.. (walaupun ai know, yu ta bace my blog.. ;( but my mmg betol2 mintak maappp.. ) then when yuu gtaw yuu da smpai, i twos gy toi coz nk touchup2 sket.. ye la, nak jumpe yuu mesty kena chantek kn? huhu.. n u said u'll come to me.. tggu punye tggu, haku tggu kt laen, die tggu kt laen.. hmm..mmg lagieyy hotla.... mane taknye, sejam lebey duk tggu yuu then taw2 maseng2 duk tmpat laen.. itu pown naseb ai koll yuu.. kalow x, mmg smpai ke tua la yuu tggu ai kua toi.. tyme tuh ai da lame kua toi n tggu kt south court.. tp he's still hengat me duk lam toi.. it was just a misunderstanding.. but when da jumpe, im okay.. ;)))))))) happy teramat sgttt! gedix kan? td marah bagai, then bile da jumpe, die pujuk2 n twos hokay.. haha.. gila betol haku.. emosi mmg ta teratur.. ;pp
so pusim2 la kami lam midv.. but b4 that, weol gy mkn dulu.. n as ussual kt our peberet place that is carl's jr.. ;) seperti biase, snapping is a must! haha.. then pas setel mkn, kami gy pusim2 while jamu mata je.. taley nak shopping sgt coz fulus tak ade.. kalow hikutkan haty, mmg byk yg berkenan hokay.. tp ta bly pown.. tahhhhaaannnnn chhaa!! tp at last, TERbeli jugak baju kat cotton on.. wohoho~
enchek boiprem ajk me tgk muvee.. tp serious me tade mood coz badan saket2.. n nak jalan pown ta larat coz ibu jari kaki sakit gile dek maen futsal smlm.. sowie okay.. then ape lg, me pown ajakla die blk.. friday ny la antara friday petame yg we ol blk awl.. slalunye kami akan lepak n makan n lepak n mkn n blk pown lmbt.. but maybe we're just both, plus me ta larat, so we choose to going back home.. sowie ye bbe.. c u tomolo.. ;)))
just like the title, mmg entry kali nih berbaur jiwang sedikit..
so kalow ta suke, jgn bace.. hoho.. ;pp
yes..he's great man that ive ever met!
the one who i love n the one who i care..
he's the one who'll b with me for the rest of my life..
yes.. he is ahmad faiz.. ;)
kalow dulu, memang weol slalu jea gado taw..
macam hanjing n meow.. tp me meow la.. haha..
n me mmg nak menang je.. walaupown that was my fault..
da jadik lumrah da, me mmg mati2 ckp, me betol n die salah..
walhal da terang2 me memang salah..
but he's okay with that..
he's tetap sabar with me no matter what i do n who i am..
thanx bby..
but now, me da byk brubah.. n he oso realize it..
die juga begitu.. kami same2 brubah ke arah kebaikan besame..
buat bazir ayer liuq hang je duk gadoh tao x?
bile hngat balik zaman dulu kala, tegelak je haku sorg2..
hahaha.. cam sewel pown hade.. childish gile haku!
last weekend, we both just lepak besame..
slalunye ade je friends of mine or him 2geda2 with us..
tp ntah nape this weekend, ramai blk kg..
maybe becoz of public holiday..
kalow me ade cuti, kompem2 me blk gak..
tp kerismas jato on sat n sun, so mmg tade cuty la beb..
so lepakla kami semua d kolupo inih..
jumaat ary tu, enchek amad faiz ckp na dtg hamek..
me da ckp tayah tp die degil gak..
pagi tuh, die da tolong hantarkan coz cikzi gy penang..
soo sweet hokay... tolong anta n tolong hamek..
cian die kena bgn pagi2 anta me.. ;pp
then kena mengharungi jem ntowk gy amek me..
tggu punye tggu, die ta sampai2..
da kul 6 lebey tyme tuh..
then die ckp, kete ta gerak langsung coz jem teramat sgt..
ye la.. keesokan tu kan kerismas, so ramaila yg kua gy lepak that nyte..
so disebabkn ta tahan ryndu kt enchik boiprem plus kesian kt die, me pown ckp kt die yg me akan gy kt die.. so tadela die masok bandar.. eklis die amek kt klsentral je..
then he said ok dlm keadaan tepakse.. ye la.. die nak dtg amek me coz tanak susahkan me n bg me nek tren tp at last kena nek tren gak.. i know what u feel, but no worry okay.. me ta kesah pown dy.. ;)
then bile ngah tggu tren, me kol him again tnye die da smpai klsentral ke?
the he said 'kete ta gerak2 lagi yang.. duk tmpat yg same dr td lg..'
alllaaaaa...shiyannyee die.. then me pown tnye lg, 'gny2, bia my gy kat dy.. ape lagi yg dekat ngan dy selain klsentral?'.. then he said 'midv'.. me said 'hokay! good! so we jumpe at midv la hokay!'.. c u there! ;)
bagi me, ta susah pown coz nek tren je..
cume me kesian kt die jea.
da la jem nak mampos..
alone lak tuh.. ;(
lam tren tuh, haku jumpe si stupido..
tp malas r nak cite pasal die..
habes hilang mood jiwang nnt..
so nnt me cite kt next entry hokayy..
smpai2 je midv, me kol heym to inform me da smpai..
terkejut beruk die coz me smpai lagi cepat dr die..
then die soeh me besabar coz mmg jem gile..
me okay jea.. so masokla me pusim2 dlm midv alone..
pusim punye pusim, ngan stileto nyer, brg byknye, alone lak tuh n org duk tengok2, mmg betol2 menguji tahap kesabaran haku.. euuuuwww~
then twos hamek phone call enchek boiprem n bebel kt die coz ta smpai2 agy..
soe babe.. ;( me ta sengaje nak marah2... tp kepenatan yg teramat plus saket2 badan coz maen futsal smalam buat my mood jd ta tentu hala.. plus ngah period.. ;(
die okay je.. owez cooll.. tp me taw die pown saket tlinge gak asyek dgr me bebel.. a milliooonnn sorry to yoouu babe.. (walaupun ai know, yu ta bace my blog.. ;( but my mmg betol2 mintak maappp.. ) then when yuu gtaw yuu da smpai, i twos gy toi coz nk touchup2 sket.. ye la, nak jumpe yuu mesty kena chantek kn? huhu.. n u said u'll come to me.. tggu punye tggu, haku tggu kt laen, die tggu kt laen.. hmm..mmg lagieyy hotla.... mane taknye, sejam lebey duk tggu yuu then taw2 maseng2 duk tmpat laen.. itu pown naseb ai koll yuu.. kalow x, mmg smpai ke tua la yuu tggu ai kua toi.. tyme tuh ai da lame kua toi n tggu kt south court.. tp he's still hengat me duk lam toi.. it was just a misunderstanding.. but when da jumpe, im okay.. ;)))))))) happy teramat sgttt! gedix kan? td marah bagai, then bile da jumpe, die pujuk2 n twos hokay.. haha.. gila betol haku.. emosi mmg ta teratur.. ;pp
so pusim2 la kami lam midv.. but b4 that, weol gy mkn dulu.. n as ussual kt our peberet place that is carl's jr.. ;) seperti biase, snapping is a must! haha.. then pas setel mkn, kami gy pusim2 while jamu mata je.. taley nak shopping sgt coz fulus tak ade.. kalow hikutkan haty, mmg byk yg berkenan hokay.. tp ta bly pown.. tahhhhaaannnnn chhaa!! tp at last, TERbeli jugak baju kat cotton on.. wohoho~
enchek boiprem ajk me tgk muvee.. tp serious me tade mood coz badan saket2.. n nak jalan pown ta larat coz ibu jari kaki sakit gile dek maen futsal smlm.. sowie okay.. then ape lg, me pown ajakla die blk.. friday ny la antara friday petame yg we ol blk awl.. slalunye kami akan lepak n makan n lepak n mkn n blk pown lmbt.. but maybe we're just both, plus me ta larat, so we choose to going back home.. sowie ye bbe.. c u tomolo.. ;)))
today is soo special to both of us.. ;)))
ape yg special nye?
me masak ntowk die..;)
its been almost 4y we ol couple tp me ta penah pown masak kt die..
slalunye wut cakes n cookies jea kasi kt die..
n today, me masak to heym..
its just a simple dish coz me only wut nasi goreng kampung n nasi goreng biase to heym..
coz ta byk lauk pauk yg ade lam fridge..
so berbekalkan ilmu yg diturunkn oleh ibu kpd ku, me dapat masak nasi goreng to both of us..
ohhhh~ touching gile babe...
coz me nyh memang seorg pompuan yg agak malas ntowk masak..
slalunye beli jea.. kalow kt kb, ibu je la yg masak ntowk me..
kejam kn? tp nk wut cane, da mmg dasar pemalas..
hoho.. tp kalow masak, memang malatop r wa cakap sama luuu~
so after having some dinner with my cook, we ol kua after isyak..
weol pegy curve coz ame, pesa n peja da byk x kol nak jumpe kt sane..
y kami keluar lmbt today?
- bcoz my badan maseh saket2 lg..
- me kemas uma..
- me basoh bajoo..
- me jemur bajoo..
- me lipat bajoo..
- me masak..
- me jage pets..
then pas lepak kt curve , we ol gerak ke tempat laen lak..
ame naek ngan kami b2..
then lepas pusim2 around kl, we ol heading to subang jaya coz nkgy anta me..
but b4 blk uma, we ol lepak kt boomtown dulu..
tayam oder laksa penang yg sgt best!
n as ussual, me olwez oder rojak buah..
rojak buah die mmg kauuuuuuw okay!
besh gilazz~
u shud try!!
setel makan, kami semua pulam~
p/s : letey menjaga pets (hamsters, sugaglider n rabbits)
coz tuan die gy makan hangen.. grrrr~
today kami kua awal sket..
lepas setel basoh bajoo, me kua..
hajat d hati nkgy amek tayam kt kl jea coz die stay kt uma pesa..
tp tayam ta kasik coz he's worried bout me..
ye la, me manela penah drive alone in kl niyh..
slalunye die yg datang hamek n hantar..
tapi smpai bile nak susahkan die jea kan?
so today me nekad nkgy amek die..
nak jadi independence kononye la..
he give his permission tp me tayah gy amek kt umah pesa coz its jauh plus jem..
so die sowh gy amek kt klsentral je..
then gerakla me to klsentral alone..
good luck to me!
eksaiited jugak la coz nak g amek enchek boiprem..
takot plus nebes tuh ade tp kt depan nih asyek nmpak muke die haje..
hahaha.. gile angau ke hape pown me tataw..;pp
die pulak non stop kol n msg tnye my situation..
ishhh~ dunworry la.. me okay.. (belagak kunun..)
based on his directory, smpai jugak me ke klsentral..
hebat jugak me ny kan? hahaha~
tyme tuh blagak gile r coz smpai jugak akhirnye..
smpat amek gmbr sket2..
but tetibe when da smpai klsentral, me taley nak kasi exact place where am i ryte now..
cian kt die.. kena pusim 1 klsentral ntowk cr me.. adus.. kesian gile bbe..
me nmpak die belari ke arah me.. berpeluh habes die..
ye la, bile me duk c2, org blkg hon n me gerak..
when duk cny, org tepi hon n me gerak..
so maken jaohla die kena kejar..
sorry wak.. ta sengaje..
sy tataw pape..
sorry k..
then kami gerak ke bb coz me nkgy sg.wang..
ekceli encek boiprem nkgy sunway coz nak setelkn pasal keje die..
tp me tanak gy coz me dtg jaoh2 ke kl, alih2 kena blk tmpat asal..
me xsukkkeee~ then die akur jea.. n bwk me gy sg.wang
alahai awak... sorry skali lagi yer..
sy mmg jaat kan? ;(
da la jem nak gila.. parkim lak tade.. kalow ade pown, mahal la nk mampos..
so tepaksa la.. da me yg nak dtg sgt.. so kami decide just beli roti n makan coz tanak bazir mase byr parkim.. kesian abes kt weol kan?
kalow dulu mmg serius ta penah amek taw pasal parking charges n men hantam je lepak lelame..
tp sejak fulus kureng ny, semua jadik issue besar..
haha.. ;pp
dulu penah jea kami byr parking shingga mencecah rm29 okay!
yuu oll ley teka x kt mane? tempat mane lagi kalow bukan pavi..
kemain mahal lg engko charges ye.. mmg ta ley bla..
tp kami ta heran pown tyme tu..
siap ley lepak kt sg.wang lg tyme tuh..
park pavi lepak sg.wang..
org laen park sg.wang, lepak pavi..
tebalik lak me.. haha. gila..
fulus manyak katekan..
but its not now..
while makan, kami pusim2 sg.wang..
and u know what??
this was my 1st tyme dtg sg.wang without ade prasaan gila shopping!
kalow dulu, mmg masok je sg.wang, rase semua nak beli okay!
tp smlam, me ta rse camtu dah..
bored adela..
enchek boiprem pown sgt pelik melihat karenahku..
even me ajak die cpt2 bla coz nk muntah duk sane okay!
org ramai gila n penuh sesak! nk napas pown ta lepas..
terok kan? ye la.. public oliday kowt..
sumpah tanak pegy da tyme olidy camtuh..
ase cam na pengsan..
encek boiprem lagi la me kesian tgk..
da mcm hape da muke die..
yes i know him mush..
die mmg ta suke tmpt yg crowded plus panas..
die ta penah pegy tmpat2 camtuh till he with me..
me yg bwk die trjebak lam aktiviti yg ta berfaedah ini..
haha.. jahat betol me..
sorry yang..
tp lam keadaan camtu pown, die maseh ley wut lawak to me..
buat me gelak.. n tersenyum je with me..
thats y i love him mush.. coz he knows me better..
die taw me sgt srabut tp die ttp nk wut me happy n lupekan yg srabut tu..
biapown die srabot, die ta kesah..
janji me ta srabot..
thanx yang..
so smbil2 gelak tuh, me smpat la jugak beli 2 mende alah yg me sgt suke n ley dpkai soon..
tht is me.. shopping based on mood.. ;)
kalow mahal macam mannnee pown, kalow im happy, ill buyit..
but if im in bad mood, even murah skalypown. ill not buyit..
n he knows it.. thankyou again..
kua je dr sg.wang, kami menuju ke the curve..
coz nkg amek ame kt sana..
mcm anak raja lak, nk kena gy amek..
sowh dtg sndiri, malas katenye..
naseb bek la boiprem ai nyh mmg baek..
kalow ai, mmg smpai taon depan ai ta gy hamek ko!
oew ke the curve, syg ajak me makan kt santai..
me ta penah dgr hape ke benda la santai tuh..
so me follo je.. n ternyata he choose a right place for me..
restaurant nih kt ttdi n custmer die ramai..
oh i love the foods there! semua best2!
mmg syok abes.. best gilaaaa...
meleleh ayer liuq cheq tyme duk tulis entry nih.. haha..
kami makan hidang.. we choose :
- tomyam campur
- baby kailan ikan masin
- udang masak sambal petai
- telur dadar
- nasi
- tea o ice for heym
- santai special for me
n aktiviti wajib is snapping!
lepas setel sume, we're heading to the curve..
oew to the curve, kami jumpe ramai supporter mesia dk kibar2 bendera while naek moto..
so encek boiprem yg mmg bersemangat bola yg waja pown pegy la join skali n hon2 dak2 konvoi moto tu semua.. nak pulak me pakai bju kuning tyme tuh n ramai ingat we ol nkgy stadium gak..
padehal x pown.. haha.. chian kt encek bf ta dpt gy.. mesti u oll hengat me yg ta kasik die pegy kan? bukan sebab me xkasik okay.. die sendiri yg tanak gy.. coz ramai member2 die ta pegy..
tapi alih2, ramai lak yg pegy.. geram r die.. tp okay ape, ley spend tyme with me kan?
haha~ ;pp
apepown congratulation to skuad harimau.. ure rawk man! mesia boley!
goodluck on 28th dec lak tao.. wut leklok.. u guys can do it!!
ph ckp pasal bola, ary tuh me n encik bf terjumpe goalie mesia, khairul Fahmi Che Mat kt sunway.. he with his gurl.. ;) encek bf pown tak cam okay..
me yg gtaw die.. jgn hengat me kaki bangku, me tataw pape.. ;p
sehari sebelum tu, mesia menang berentap ngan vietnam di vietnam..
last 3 months pown de tejumpe pemain bola klntan kt wcy..
redwarrior beb.. time tuh beberapa hari slepas klantan menang menentang n9..
gomo klate gomo.. ;)
then smpai je the curve, twos amek ame ke shah alam.. coz die nkg umah akak die..
serius da mcm anak raja la ko ni.. saje je nak gedix2 kan.. ngade.. ;pp
so kami pown tggu la kt lua smpai die setel sume then we ol gerak to subang jaya..
going back oledy.. ;(
but b4 that, we ol lepak dulu kt boomtown tgk bola..
n spt biase, me oder rojak buah..
yeehhhhaaa~ ;)
smpai2 jea, twos ggggooooaaalllll!!!!!!
hebatlaaa~ cun! smpai2 je, twos dpt tgk die goal!
selang beberapa minit, goooooaaalll ke2 lakk!
then ta lame slepas tuh, goal ke3 lak..
mmg puas hati la..
coz kami ta smpat tgk dr mula..
then bile tgk, twos dpt yg best part twos..
enchek boiprem mmg kusyuk abes tgk smpai me pown die ta pduly.. jahat punye boipremm..
haha.. mentang2la dpt tgk peveret player die yaitu Norshahrul Idlan Talaha..
pemain RW jgak okay..;)) klate boley, mesia boley!!
abes je match, kami pown blk uma..
oh puas ati..;)
ngah preparing to sleep..
cikzi n her family pown pulam..
ta perlu tdo alone lagi today!
n ta perlu jg pets da.. hihi..;p
tp serius sedey gile tyme nak blk smalam..
coz tayam nak blk kb..
this week byk mende yg blaku to me..
dr ta brani drive alone, i oredy smpai klcentral alone..
by ta penah masak kt die, i da ley masak 2 dishes to heym..
serius da macam housewife da..
by kemas umah n so on..
i want to be a better person to myself, my family n especially to him..
coz i love you to the most i can till nothing can explain how mush my love to u sayang..
thanx coz u understand me mush n you know how to make me smileeeee~
lotsa love,
ur princess..
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