esok cuti..
so tomolow's nyte i'll be goim back to kb..
serius ryndu gile na blk kb..
almaklumlah this is my 1st tyme duk berjauhan lelame with my famly..
abahibuabgtukl, oh damishyuuguys!!
pedro pown me ryndu jugak! ryndu na pelokciom!!
esok flite kul 8.50 mlm.. lastminute booked.. thanx ibu!
byk prog yg nak wut tyme blk kb..
tp tataw la ley tercapai or x coz mase singkat jea..
but what is the most important is dpt jumpe n spend time with my famly..
serius rindu gilaaa~
pastuh nk makan byk2..
da lame xrase ibu masak..
beshh woooo~
ure the best cook in the whole world!!
gemok pown gemokla..
nanti me diet la balik..
tghari td pun lunch nasik..
diet da kacaubilau..
2 ari lepas mkn 2 slices cheesecake..
smalam pown mkn byk..
oh btw, me da upload n update florencha's shawl..
cekidout okay..
letey taw duk mengedit gmbr smalam..
plus kna masak kt budak2 kecik..
kesian deyol lapa..
so me masak la..
then siap edit n upload n update florencha sume lam kul 2 lebey g2..
tdo lak lam kul 3 g2 pas ckp phone with tayamm..
sian die kena tggu ai..
nah hamek ko..
bgn pown lmbt pg td hokay..
tp maseh ta telambat gy opis..
lmbt sket2 je..

esok cuti..
so tomolow's nyte i'll be goim back to kb..
serius ryndu gile na blk kb..
almaklumlah this is my 1st tyme duk berjauhan lelame with my famly..
abahibuabgtukl, oh damishyuuguys!!
pedro pown me ryndu jugak! ryndu na pelokciom!!
esok flite kul 8.50 mlm.. lastminute booked.. thanx ibu!
byk prog yg nak wut tyme blk kb..
tp tataw la ley tercapai or x coz mase singkat jea..
but what is the most important is dpt jumpe n spend time with my famly..
serius rindu gilaaa~
pastuh nk makan byk2..
da lame xrase ibu masak..
beshh woooo~
ure the best cook in the whole world!!
gemok pown gemokla..
nanti me diet la balik..
tghari td pun lunch nasik..
diet da kacaubilau..
2 ari lepas mkn 2 slices cheesecake..
smalam pown mkn byk..
oh btw, me da upload n update florencha's shawl..
cekidout okay..
letey taw duk mengedit gmbr smalam..
plus kna masak kt budak2 kecik..
kesian deyol lapa..
so me masak la..
then siap edit n upload n update florencha sume lam kul 2 lebey g2..
tdo lak lam kul 3 g2 pas ckp phone with tayamm..
sian die kena tggu ai..
nah hamek ko..
bgn pown lmbt pg td hokay..
tp maseh ta telambat gy opis..
lmbt sket2 je..

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